Hello, world! 🌍

I am Nandagopal Menon, a computer science student at Amrita University, and this is BrainSpace—a little corner of the internet where my ideas, projects, and occasional ramblings come to life. Think of it as a mix between a developer’s lab notebook and an overly enthusiastic TED Talk (minus the audience).

What You’ll Find Here

BrainSpace is my attempt at making sense of the organized chaos that is my brain. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Project Logs: A play-by-play of my ongoing projects, including the “aha!” moments and the “oh no, why did I do that?” moments.
  • Ideas and Concepts: The brainstorms that might one day change the world—or at least keep me up at night thinking they might.
  • Learning Journeys: Notes and reflections from my adventures in learning new tools, frameworks, and concepts. Spoiler alert: it involves a lot of Stack Overflow tabs.
  • Random Thoughts: Thoughts and ideas that pass through my brain, or hobbies I’m currently indulged in are written about in unnecessary detail with a lot veering away from the topic can be found here.

I’m writing this not just for myself but also for anyone who might find value (or entertainment) in my journey. If I can spark an idea or save someone from making the same mistake, that’s a win!

Current Projects

Glide v1.0

A CLI-based file transfer application designed to make sharing files on your local network simple, efficient, and reliable.

Here’s what Glide is aiming to do:

  • Simplicity: A tool so straightforward, it’ll make you wonder why you ever used anything else.
  • Efficiency: Blazing-fast file transfers because nobody likes staring at a progress bar.
  • Local Network Server: Start with seamless transfers within your home or office network.
  • Future Expansion: Lay the groundwork for peer-to-peer (P2P) connectivity, removing middlemen entirely.

This project is my hands-on dive into the world of networking, focusing on building a robust local network server with the ambition to expand into P2P systems. I’ll be documenting everything along the way—from the first spark of inspiration to the final line of code (and probably a few late-night debugging sessions in between).

Where Can You Find Me?

You can find all my projects, (WIP and completed) on my GitHub, and you can reach out to me at nandagopalnmenon@icloud.com!

Closing Thoughts

BrainSpace is a work in progress—just like me. Stick around, and you’ll see how ideas evolve, how projects come to life, and maybe even catch a glimpse of some occasional tech-related humor.

So, grab a cup of coffee (or whatever you drink) and explore! Who knows? You might just find something that inspires your next project—or at least makes you smile.